(864) 345-2316

Discovery Process

Congratulations on taking your first steps toward a totally secure retirement. Now that you have shared some basic information with us ,
we will begin to put together a preliminary analysis of your current financial status in a Written Income Plan also known as a WIP.

The WIP is a comprehensive retirement planning tool that helps to map out your retirement plan.
Some advisors charge up to $2,000.00 for constructing similar plans,
but Cohen Financial Group provides this service to it's client at no charge.
We will present your preliminary plan to you during your first discovery meeting.

Follow this link to find out more about the WRITTEN INCOME PLAN.
Discovery meetings provide the perfect opportunity for clients to discover Cohen Financial Group's values, business philosophies, and financial strategies,
while allowing us to discover our client's expectations, objectives, and goals. Each of these elements must be determined before creating a successful financial retirement plan.
Discovery meetings are offered at no cost to the client and without any obligation to accept any services or recommendations offered by Cohen Financial Group.
You can choose to meet in our office (recommended), a conference call, or online via ZOOM. So what are you waiting for? Request your Discovery Meeting Now!